Will Stratton [Feature]
Song \’ sóŋ\ n 2: A poetic composition. Music \’myü-zik \ n 2: an agreeable sound. To hear the work… Read More »Will Stratton [Feature]
Song \’ sóŋ\ n 2: A poetic composition. Music \’myü-zik \ n 2: an agreeable sound. To hear the work… Read More »Will Stratton [Feature]
Where have all the soft melodies gone? It seems that at one point, they were a must. But, to the wayside of electronic-induced euphoria and the return of avant garde, did all these sweet little surely dissipate from the mainstream? Will Stratton understands the significance of these beautiful little numbers. “Your California Sky”, from Stratton’s sophomore album No Wonder, is so entrancing in it’s simplicity it makes Belle & Sebastian seem like a post punk garage band screaming about the benefits of anarchy. This 22 year old New Yorker is as smooth as a baby’s bottom and as calm as a Sunday morning on a three day weekend. When it seems like the world is going crazy, an artist like Stratton is a wonderful find. Read More »Will Stratton: Your California Sky [mp3]