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Yukon Blonde: Wind Blows [mp3]

Yukon Blonde

After the stunning success of Fleet Foxes’ debut self-titled LP in 2008, it became apparent that there would inevitably be artists that steal away portions of their so very classic sound. To be honest, I haven’t really seen them. That is, until Yukon Blonde. Now, don’t immediately label these folks as mere spinoffs. “Wind Blows” does have those echoing harmony vocals with that drawl-ish tone, but there’s more of a singular vocal presence around the front-man; you can hear it in the verse. Read More »Yukon Blonde: Wind Blows [mp3]

Bend Sinister Gives Away 10 Free Tracks!


In the new age of digital downloading and iTunes supremacy, many artists are turning to giving tracks away as a way to get their name out and about. Maybe it’s effort to get you to come out to your local pub, farmer’s market, or Tully’s to watch them give you the magic live and in person. Vancouver B.C.’s Bend Sinister has graciously joined the hopefuls by giving away 10 free tracks as downloads on their website. And by now we should know that just because it’s free, doesn’t mean it lacks quality. Read More »Bend Sinister Gives Away 10 Free Tracks!

The Organ

The Organ: Thieves [Album Review]

Very few groups can consider themselves a true girl group, especially if their numbers are greater than three, let alone four. But The Organ boasts five. After a very well-received debut release in Grab That Gun, the ladies of The Organ sadly parted ways. Luck for us, they decided to patch things up long enough to finish recording their followup EP, Thieves — or else, at least, treat us with a posthumous little gift.

Read More »The Organ: Thieves [Album Review]
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