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Wonderful: Rainbow Colors (MP3)


After a little hiatus, a little band from Seattle called Wonderful has returned. On their new song, “Rainbow Colors”, we are treated to a colorful style of pop somewhere along the lines of experimental pop outfit Le Loup. But Wonderful came a few years before that band, having released their debut in 2003. “Rainbow Colors” features plenty of chant-like vocalists, heavily thumping drums, and overall colorful vocal and instrumental harmonies.

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U.S.E. [Show Preview]

U.S.E. is United State Of Electronica

Exaltation comes in many forms. The latest one for me is once again seeing the word Crocodile associated with live Seattle music. It champions the somewhat lesser excitement around U.S.E. (short for United State Of Electronica) and their upcoming release L O V E W O R L D, but only because the Croc has been a longtime favorite spot to see great bands. The two will meet – two being the Crocodile and U.S.E. – on March 28. That means clear tomorrow’s schedule. Read More »U.S.E. [Show Preview]

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