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the lovely bad things

KSVR Radio Show: From a Garage on a Hot Summer Day

It’s summer here in Skagit, and that means the Farmer’s Market is back, it’s time for summer house projects, the Seattle to Portland bike ride is coming up, and the days are, quite frankly, way too long. Light at 4am, light until 10pm; it makes for some early mornings and late (yeah, I’m getting old) evenings. Summer also means less time for FensePost, so bear with me/the site. Especially during the month of July.

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Chicken And Veggies

On Air at KSVR: February 15, 2013 Playlist

I broke the rules this week on my very unoriginally titled radio show on KSVR Mount Vernon. The Indie Music Show featured a few tracks that are, quite distinctly, not even close to being indie. And one of them kicked off the show. It’s the new track by David Bowie called “Where Are We Now?” Shortly thereafter, I crossed the ocean for a set from France, where I played a track by famed singer and Masculin Feminin actress Chantal Goya and another by Serge Gainsbourg.

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The Lovely Bad Things: Fried Eyes

The Lovely Bad Things

I was pretty excited to receive The Late Great Whatever by The Lovely Bad Things in the mail right around the turn of the year. After all, the band’s 2012 EP, Old Ghost New Waves, just cracked the top five in my top 15 EPs of 2012. The new album is set for a February 26 release on Volcom Entertainment, and “Fried Eyes” is the first track to debut publicly from the band. Read More »The Lovely Bad Things: Fried Eyes

A FensePost Top 15 List: The Best EPs of 2012

FensePost Top EPs of 2012

While everyone else goes ape sh*t over EPs by Lana Del Rey and Ke$ha, well, we took a different approach and didn’t listen to those artists this year. Instead, last night, I ran through my entire library on iTunes and settled on my top 15 EPs of 2012.

Yeah, as these lists go, I’m sure I’m missing some pretty great ones in here that will leave me slapping my forehead later, but whatevz. It’s all subjective anyway, right? Read More »A FensePost Top 15 List: The Best EPs of 2012

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