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Vinyl only night on KSVR

Vinyl Only Night on KSVR

As you may already know, but I’ll state it nonetheless for those who do not, I have a weekly radio show on KSVR Mount Vernon, KSVU Hamilton and KSJU Friday Harbor. You can tune in via the respective dial pinpoints if you live within those townships, or you can stream from We will be hosting our pledge drive in April, so I thought I’d kick things off by doing something no other station in Skagit or (to my knowledge) the surrounding areas does: a vinyl only night.

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Spring in the Skagit Valley

On Air at KSVR: March 8, 2013 Playlist

I received a message from Stuarto requesting I cover his show in the late afternoon hours of Friday, March 8. After a minute or two to think about it, I agreed. In all the times I’ve covered for his show over the past year and a half, I have never done a show that gives a nod to his show, which often features more mainstream music including a handful of tunes from the 60s and 70s. For March 8, I decided this needed to change.

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20 Must Hear Albums from 2010: A Mid-Year List

I know, I’ve owed this one to you, my readers, for a few months now. The plan originally was to concoct a sort of mid-year recap of the first half, dictating a slew of wonderful albums that may or may not come to find a spot on the inevitable end-of-year list. A hint at what may come. But that didn’t happen. I added a few hobbies to my seemingly never ending list of things that eat away at my time (see above photo) and it fell down the priority list.

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