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Week Of Wonders

Week of Wonders: Feature Band

Week Of Wonders

I really dug Restraint, released last year by Orca Team. Unfortunately, as things go, Orca Team took a hiatus not long after the album was released. Now front-man Leif Anders (who has also joined The Intelligence) is back with a new project, a somewhat Seattle underground power group featuring members of Orca Team, The Intelligence, The Torn ACLs and Health Problems. That band is called Week of Wonders. Read More »Week of Wonders: Feature Band

Nate’s Top 10 Albums of 2012

  • n8 

Intro by Fense: Each year I look forward to posting Nate’s top album picks. First, he uses phrases like “silly-good.” But it’s mostly because he always has a different perspective, sometimes finding obscure items to drop in or checking out albums I wanted to hear but didn’t have a change to for some reason or another, other times dropping in albums from genres I typically ignore (um… hip hop). This year he went one step further and gave us his top 15 local songs as well. (BONUS!!!) Read on and let us know your favorite pick of 2012! Read More »Nate’s Top 10 Albums of 2012

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