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the halo benders

Cassette Nostalgia: Rediscovering Forgotten Favorites from Forever Ago

Alright, so a few years back there was a resurgence of sorts in the underground that found modern day bands releasing new albums on cassette. This fad, to an extent, lives on today with notable indie labels such as Sub Pop and Suicide Squeeze joining the ranks of releasing their artists on this format.

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Brett Sandstrom at KSVR

Fense’s Radio Show: November 2, 2012

Brett and I met up a little before 9:30pm at KSVR, spent a few minutes catching up, then organized the selection of records we would play that night. It was a first for me — having a co-host — and it turned out to be a blast. Friday nights from 10pm to midnight can be lonely and I don’t get many calls, so having someone else in the studio to talk to was definitely an enjoyable experience.

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