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Fishboy Acoustic Performance

Fishboy Releases “Classic Creeps” Acoustic, Live and with a Tour Diary Comic!

Fishboy Acoustic Performance

Fishboy is one of my favorite bands because frontman Eric Michener approaches music in a different way than most musicians. His albums, at least the latest two in Classic Creeps and Albatross, follow stories chronologically throughout the album. They’re amusing, funny and lighthearted. While Classic Creeps was originally released back in 2011, Michener recently released an acoustic version of the album with a tour diary comic. Read More »Fishboy Releases “Classic Creeps” Acoustic, Live and with a Tour Diary Comic!

The Capsules: Our Apocalypse (Track Review)

The Capsules

Julie Shields has a voice perfect for indie pop, which is what makes The Capsules somewhat confounding. Northern Skies & Southern Lights is The Capsules new album and on it you’ll find sonic soundscapes, dreamy missives, and surreal audible storms. “Our Apocalypse” in particular has a monumental sound that rivals a cavernous mid-winter darkness. Read More »The Capsules: Our Apocalypse (Track Review)

Pandit: Artichoke [mp3]


Contrary to the word’s Indian and Hindu heritage, the band Pandit is from an entirely different land. Pandit is Lance Smith from Texas and his latest work is a drum-heavy psychedelic dream pop album called Eternity Spin. This album, in my opinion, has one of the better album covers we’ve seen in a while. Eternity Spin follows a self-released EP from early this year, a release that generated a few waves for Pandit and ultimately landed Smith a spot on Waaga Records, on which you can find Eternity Spin. Read More »Pandit: Artichoke [mp3]

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