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simon joyner

Lookout Mountain by Bike

Fense’s Radio Show: May 10, 2013

I’ve been getting into several new albums of late, and when that happens, I often want to play several songs from the same band on my radio show. I restrained myself, narrowing it down to a pair each; that’s the theme of tonight’s show – doubles. I’ll be playing back-to-back tracks from each artist I play tonight, including new stuff by The Besnard Lakes, Wolf People, King Tuff, and Arrington de Dionyso’s Malaikat dan Singa. We begin, however, with a band I originally covered way back in 2010: Young Hunting.

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Vintage Schwinn Exerciser

Fense’s Radio Show: September 7, 2012

It’s been a whirlwind few weeks, finishing the kitchen project, rearranging the living room (the above photo is from that project) and now beginning to terrace the back yard. It’s hard to imagine I found time to check out new music. This week’s favorite discoveries include the new LP by The Maldives, the latest by Dana Falconberry and Art Circus, a phenomenal new LP by Woods, more great stuff from White Blood Cells out of Vancouver, and Upside Drown off a new little Olympia-based label called Antiquated Future Records.

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Simon Joyner: Out Into The Snow [Album Review]

Simon Joyner

I may get railed on for making a Dylan comparison here, but Simon Joyner and the master himself share a few points. There’s the minimal acoustic guitar and equally minimal accompaniment in songs like “The Drunken Boat” and “Sunday Morning Song For Sara”. There’s the traditional folk element rampant throughout each of his songs. And there’s a slight vocal similarity as well. Sure, Joyner may not be the songwriter Bob is, as that feat would truly be amazing, but his songs have that same timeless folk quality that dabbles in Americana. Read More »Simon Joyner: Out Into The Snow [Album Review]

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