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shayna and the bulldog

Shayna And The Bulldog: Expatriate

Shayna And The Bulldog

“Expatriate” is a melodically dreamy pop song hushed by what sounds like percussion played with padded mallets and simple keyboard notes backed by a clean and subtle plucked guitar riff. This is my introduction to Shayna & The Bulldog, so it was initially surprising to hear the song break into a full-fledged romp half-way through the song. Dream-pop melodies becomes bouncy, powerful indie-pop. It’s this power pop sound that is the norm for this band, but the dreamy elements are what make “Expatriate” the perfect summer song, although on the hotter days of summer, some might find solace in the lyrics I wish it would rain in “Strawberry Highway”. Read More »Shayna And The Bulldog: Expatriate

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