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Fense’s Radio Show: September 7, 2012

It’s been a whirlwind few weeks, finishing the kitchen project, rearranging the living room (the above photo is from that project) and now beginning to terrace the back yard. It’s hard to imagine I found time to check out new music. This week’s favorite discoveries include the new LP by The Maldives, the latest by Dana Falconberry and Art Circus, a phenomenal new LP by Woods, more great stuff from White Blood Cells out of Vancouver, and Upside Drown off a new little Olympia-based label called Antiquated Future Records.

Read More »Fense’s Radio Show: September 7, 2012

Seamonster: Two Birds [Album Review]


From the beach to the mountains, Seamonster‘s Two Birds echoes utmost pleasantries through the audible channel of lo-fi psychedelic folk-pop. Its pop charm is masked by the static white noise of immense distortion, mixed down to a satisfactory non-overpowering level, and warped with the sounds of summertime. “Oh Appalachia” is a beachgoers ode to the mountains. “The Philosophy Of Andy Warhol” will paint a pop-culture picture on the back of your eyelids while you lay, back on grass, facing a clear blue sky. Read More »Seamonster: Two Birds [Album Review]

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