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Emmalee Crane: Formantine [Album Review]


I like to think Emmalee Crane and I would get along well. I think this because of her music. It’s unassuming, unpretentious, yet it exists in a completely different realm of thought. It’s down to earth, yet it’s also quite out there. You get that with minimalist music, but unlike her earlier work in Crux, this one has louder peaks. On Formantine, Crane’s latest release, she adds more samples, picking up bits and pieces of spoken word. It’s part eerie and part relaxing, a trait common to the best of the minimalist genre. Read More »Emmalee Crane: Formantine [Album Review]

Eux Autres: Broken Bow [Album Review]


It’s amazing to hear the changes Eux Autres has gone through since they debuted with Hell Is Eux Autres in 2004. That album was rough and punchy, raw and bouncy. The punch and the bounce remain, but on Broken Bow things are smoother and more refined. They still contain all those elements I loved from the original — the stripped-down indie pop with a French twist, those lovable lyrics by Heather and Nicholas Larimer. Read More »Eux Autres: Broken Bow [Album Review]

Show Recommendation: The Mallard


Adorned in a heavy, lo-fi reverb, The Mallard plays light, fluffy garage pop music that a few friends have been raving about of late. They hit me up, thinking I’d like it, and they were right. The band boasts four members; what’s unique, however, is that they all belong to the same body. The body is that of a woman simply titled Greer. The right foot gets the kick drum, the left the hi-hat tambourine. The arms and fingers play guitar, and vocals are left to the mouth. It’s an interesting perspective in which to describe your band, but it fits The Mallard to a T. Read More »Show Recommendation: The Mallard

Burnt Ones [Feature]


So it’s 10:10pm and I’m a bit exhausted. Today was busy, tomorrow will be as well, and that will continue through the weekend and into next week. I wasn’t planning to write more tonight, but in perusing a few of the many emails I receive on a daily basis, I stumbled on Burnt Ones and felt oddly compelled. Backed by a few repeated, fuzzed out chords and fronted by punk-influenced vocals, the music just kind of washes over you – especially after a few good local brews. Read More »Burnt Ones [Feature]

Dominant Legs: Clawing Out At The Walls [mp3]


Lefse’s latest lust-worthy tune-layer is Dominant Legs, the project of San Francisco-based musician Ryan Lynch (also the guitarist for Girls), whose light, harmonic melodies will draw you in. Joining Lynch is Hannah Hunt, who lends keys and vocal expertise. Shrouded in vocal reverb, Lynch’s ballads, like “Clawing Out At The Walls” off Dominant Legs’ forthcoming debut EP Young At Love And Life, cast a dreamy shadow over these summer days and conjure a longing for the slightly cooler evening hours when the crickets emerge. In “Clawing Out At The Walls”, Dominant Legs packs every moment with continuous, all-encompassing harmony that refuses to let go until the final moments. Just like this summer heat. The key difference being: You won’t want the songs to end. Read More »Dominant Legs: Clawing Out At The Walls [mp3]

Grand Lake: Spark [Video]


Grand Lake is the latest project from Port O’ Brien founding member Caleb Nichols, who joins forces with long-time friend Jameson Swanagon. Together, with drummer John Pomeroy, the San Francisco band is complete. The band is poised to release their debut LP, Blood Sea Dream, August 10 on Hippies Are Dead Records. That is where you can find “Spark”, their first single and the song featured in this somewhat trippy video. Featuring swirling dreamscapes of upbeat, hypnotic pop melodies backed by driving percussion, Grand Lake will creep into your head and take hold of your senses. In “Spark”, Grand Lake demands to be heard, and as the song climaxes attention will become singular – focused solely on the music. Read More »Grand Lake: Spark [Video]

The Blank Tapes: Home Away From Home [Album Review]

The Blank Tapes

The Blank Tapes‘ Matt Adams wrote his new album Home Away From Home, as he puts it, in a van in probably half of the states in America. For that, it is named appropriately. It, too, is packed with garage-worthy tinkering that extends from folk to pop to experimental psychedelic. It’s an array that bodes well for the San Francisco native, and it’s one that’s definitely worth a pair of ears. Namely — yours. Read More »The Blank Tapes: Home Away From Home [Album Review]

Magic Bullets: Magic Bullets [Album Review]

Magic Bullets

From the first moments of Magic Bullets‘ self-titled LP, one is taken back a quarter century on a journey into the music of The Smiths. No, Magic Bullets do not cover the famed band, but to say they were influenced by Moz’s early entourage is an understatement. Magic Bullets pack on the indie pop jangle and provide Moz-ish obscure, melodramatic vocal hooks that make you want to dig those Smiths records out for a spin on the ol’ turntable. Read More »Magic Bullets: Magic Bullets [Album Review]

Citay: Dream Get Together [Album Review]


Citay‘s new LP, Dream Get Together, just found its way into my inbox. There are several descriptors you could apply to the album, from Cosmic to Anthemic. But when it really comes down to it, Dream Get Together finds a unique place in music simply due to its wide breadth of influences — so wide that the music they create has become unlike any of the bands whose influence they draw. Read More »Citay: Dream Get Together [Album Review]

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