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royal rhino flying records

Seamonster: Two Birds [Album Review]


From the beach to the mountains, Seamonster‘s Two Birds echoes utmost pleasantries through the audible channel of lo-fi psychedelic folk-pop. Its pop charm is masked by the static white noise of immense distortion, mixed down to a satisfactory non-overpowering level, and warped with the sounds of summertime. “Oh Appalachia” is a beachgoers ode to the mountains. “The Philosophy Of Andy Warhol” will paint a pop-culture picture on the back of your eyelids while you lay, back on grass, facing a clear blue sky. Read More »Seamonster: Two Birds [Album Review]

Juna: Yesno [Album Review]


Yesno is an aptly titled concept album centered around the joining of opposing forces to create a powerful third entity. Filled with fitting portions of eclectic yet mellow instrumentation and filtered experimentation, Juna’s music dawns somewhere between the subtle bedroom evening and the ether of morning dew. It is the joining of folk and shoegaze.

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