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Fontaines D.C. Skinty Fia Sessions Vinyl

Fontaines D.C. | Skinty Fia Sessions | 10-Inch Rough Trade Exclusive Review

Skinty Fia, the 2022 album by Fontaines DC, was one of my Top 10 Records of 2022. And my list isn’t the only one that saw it place high on the standard year-end lists. The album is astonishingly good from start to finish with several powerhouse tracks that warrant countless repeat listens. I can’t tell you how many times I listened to the hard-to-pronounce opener or “Roman Holiday” or even “I Love You.”

Read More »Fontaines D.C. | Skinty Fia Sessions | 10-Inch Rough Trade Exclusive Review

The Morning Benders [Feature]

The Morning Benders

It seems like everyone’s raving about The Morning Benders this year, and after picking up a few copies of their single Promises, I’m joining the crowd. While “Promises” isn’t my favorite, it does warrant a hefty portion of merit thanks to unbearably catchy guitar riffs and vocal hooks. It’s an easy track to love, packed with plenty of pop and a fair share of originality to boot. My true favorite, though, is “Excuses”. Read More »The Morning Benders [Feature]

Belle & Sebastian: The White Collar Boy [7″ Single Review]


It is quite dreary outside, which is why I am inside. The sky is overcast and threatening rain. It has come down in mists and light drops occasionally throughout the day. In other words, it is a perfect day to sit in a bedroom with the door closed, singles strewn all over the bed, listening to music. Right now it’s The White Collar Boy by Belle & Sebastian. Read More »Belle & Sebastian: The White Collar Boy [7″ Single Review]

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