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moscow olympics

Label Spotlight: Beko Records


Modern forms of communication, if anything, have allowed the ability to spread awareness like wildfire. Case in point, this morning. Catching up on recent tweets, I noticed a link from Acid House Kings to a little something called Beko Records. I visited the site, downloaded all 25 current digital singles from the label, and began the task of checking them all out. Now I’m writing about it to let you know. And who knows where you’ll take it. So we begin.

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Moscow Olympics: Second Trace [Video]

Moscow Olympics

Written by Fense

Pop fans of the world unite. Well, make that past tense — united. Pop fans of the world united for this video. Moscow Olympics is not from Russia, as the name might suggest. They’re from the Philippines. Their video for “Second Trace” was put together by a pop fan from Brazil. And now this little piece was written by a guy in the states. See, music does have the ability to unite the world! Read More »Moscow Olympics: Second Trace [Video]

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