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Biking in Skagit

FensePost Top 24: The Best EPs of 2011

It’s hard to imagine that just a few short months ago we were enjoying sunny summer days. 2011 was my best year yet, having achieved a few milestones: four and a half years running FensePost, riding my bike from Seattle to Portland and logging over 1,000 total on those two wheels between January and December, enjoying life with the love of my life (Andi), and a few defining mindset changes that put the two of us on a path to minimalism and frugality.

Read More »FensePost Top 24: The Best EPs of 2011

Fense’s Radio Show: December 2, 2011

BMW 2002

As the days and nights get colder, and we enter full-fledged winter, it becomes more and more difficult to justify taking the BMW out. In the cold, it’s almost better to just walk. But I braved the chill and barely-working defrost on December 2, taking the car out for one last night show before the new year. It would be a good one, filled with dreamy music pretty much throughout. Read More »Fense’s Radio Show: December 2, 2011

FensePost Podcast #5: Soundtrack to the Zombie Apocalypse


About six months ago, I became completely obsessed with zombies films, mostly due to the brilliance behind Robert Kirkman‘s The Walking Dead books and the airing of the series on AMC. As Season 1 comes out on DVD and BluRay today, I figured the time was right to post this. So I buckled down and finished my zombie soundtrack podcast, filled with songs I felt perfect for a zombie film. Be assured: this will not be your typical zombie mix. Read More »FensePost Podcast #5: Soundtrack to the Zombie Apocalypse

Mogwai: How To Be A Werewolf [Video]


To me, Mogwai‘s music, were I to pare it down to a single description, portrays a journey in progress. This video conveys that thought; there’s always that sense that something big will happen, whether or not it ultimately comes to pass. “How To Be A Werewolf” never reaches that anthemic moment, that climactic explosion, but it moves forward through life as would a calming daydream. Transcendence comes to pass and we are more aware of our existence through the experience. Read More »Mogwai: How To Be A Werewolf [Video]

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