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The Clientele: Harvest Time [Track Review]

The Clientele

God Save The Clientele (2007) cemented The Clientele as strong facet in the roots of orchestrated indie pop. They’d been heading in that direction with 2005’s Strange Geometry, but hadn’t fully realized their potential. So, listening to “Harvest Time” off their upcoming fifth full-length LP, one might become confused — this sound strays a bit from the direction in which they’ve been heading. Read More »The Clientele: Harvest Time [Track Review]

Wye Oak: Take It In [Track Review]

Wye Oak

If Children, Wye Oak‘s debut LP, found a balance between loud and soft, often one or the other and rarely hitting that middle ground. “Take It In”, off Andy and Jenn’s follow-up, The Knot, continues this trend but finds the band a bit more comfortable in their skin. The juxtaposition of the louds and the softs give “Take It In” an epic feel; you can just hear Andy’s vocal peeking from behind Jenn’s, and when Jenn’s guitar reaches those anthemic heights it becomes downright awe-inspiring. Read More »Wye Oak: Take It In [Track Review]

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