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math and physics club

Solid Gold Cowboy album art from Unlikely Friends

Unlikely Friends Release Solid Gold Cowboy on Jigsaw Records

Solid Gold Cowboy album art from Unlikely Friends

Let’s take a trip back in time. The year is 2006, and FensePost is only a few months old. I stumble upon a newly relocated indiepop artist called BOAT. The band moved from Chicago to Seattle and landed a spot on the Magic Marker Records roster for their debut LP Songs That You Might Not Like. Around the same time, via the twee-favorite Matinee Records imprint, I discovered Seattle indiepop band Math & Physics Club. Read More »Unlikely Friends Release Solid Gold Cowboy on Jigsaw Records

Math & Physics Club: Jimmy Had A Polaroid [mp3]

Math & Physics Club

It’s been a hair under three years since the last proper Math & Physics Club release, an EP titled Baby I’m Yours, and just about four since their debut and only LP, 2006’s Math & Physics Club. Prior to the so-called hiatus, the band had been quite busy, also participating in a single compilation in ’06 and two additional EPs back in ’05. One might have gotten the impression the band was no more. Thankfully, they would have been wrong. The band is back with a new album titled I Shouldn’t Look As Good As I Do, and tagging along is a new drummer — Chris Mac, owner of Jigsaw Records and IndiePages and former guitarist of Suretoss and percussionist of Patients Please. Read More »Math & Physics Club: Jimmy Had A Polaroid [mp3]

Best Albums of 2006

A Retrospective Top 33 and 1/3: Best Albums Of 2006

On June 6, 2006, FensePost went live. Since its inception, I’ve written more than 1,000 album reviews and countless features, track reviews, live reviews, and video reviews. My collection has grown exponentially. I have a room in my house devoted entirely to records. CDs go in the living room and I’m out of shelving space. To say FensePost has become a big part of my life would be an understatement. It’s as much a second job as it is a hobby.

Read More »A Retrospective Top 33 and 1/3: Best Albums Of 2006

Math And Physics Club: Movie Ending Romance [Album Review]

Math And Physics Club

As a child I was fascinated with the Beach Boys. Songs about surfing and care-free relations with women on the beach made my feet tap, though many of the latter references were well above my head. All that mattered was that they had hot rods on their record covers and that they looked cool. I found Brian Wilson to be not only the best looking of the bunch, but also the one with the most charm and grace. He appeared natural on the back of the cover while the rest of the group seemed a bit out of place. It is nice to hear bands like Math And Physics Club pay homage to the pop groups like the Beach Boys so fully and truly. Wilson’s “You’re So Good To Me” is given a fresh indie-pop sound that brings forth the nostalgia of Summer Days (And Summer Nights) and Pet Sounds and adds to it a hint of twee and jangle.

Read More »Math And Physics Club: Movie Ending Romance [Album Review]
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