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Lowell: The Ten Houses and the Falling Leaves [Album Review]


Where was a group like Lowell when you really needed them? Well, they were probably exactly where they needed to be – banging around the turn of the century when music was, for the lack of better words, shit. This group had it’s heyday as local favorites in their fare city of Baltimore from 1998 till 2001. They were around when rap metal was all the rage, and there were still towers in the sky. Their post grunge influenced rock n’ roll might not have been promoted by Carson Daily during those confusing times, but even Lowell (cleverly named after the hometown of Jack Kerouac) couldn’t have realized that they were making tunes that would be considered groundbreaking at the turn of the following decade (you know, the one that Y2K was going to prevent from happening anyway). Read More »Lowell: The Ten Houses and the Falling Leaves [Album Review]

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