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Hosannas: Together [Album Review]


Amongst the thousands of hipsters, anti-hipsters, and anti-anti-hipsters roaming around the City of Roses banging away at whatever obscure instrument they can grasp with a tall boy of PBR in their hand, two of the finest individuals to burst out from the scene might be that very scene’s polar opposites. The multitasking duo Hosannas are fully fledged artists who find their niche in making keyboard frenzied indie rock lullabies like those found on their latest record Together. It is not only their best work to date, it might very well be one of the finest independent albums to come spew from the gutters of P town. Read More »Hosannas: Together [Album Review]

Hosannas [Feature]


Portland’s Hosannas are many things. They’re the two person offspring of the former local favorite band Church. They’re a (now) duo with a broadening array of styles that move way beyond basic experimental rock. They’re a band that pushes the barriers between indie rock and alternative hip hop further and further apart with each prolific beat they create. But, despite all these qualities, they’re a band that is certainly one thing – magnificent! Read More »Hosannas [Feature]

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