5 Quirky Halloween Songs That Are Great All Year ‘Round
My first quirky songs post was hugely popular. As it’s been a few years since I posted the original, I… Read More »5 Quirky Halloween Songs That Are Great All Year ‘Round
My first quirky songs post was hugely popular. As it’s been a few years since I posted the original, I… Read More »5 Quirky Halloween Songs That Are Great All Year ‘Round
A long night, but no matter. I learned long ago that spending a bit extra time doing something you love… well, it’s a good thing! Stuarto sent along a text asking if I could pick up his 8pm show and I obliged. Being a mere few hours from show time, I just threw together an array of vinyl to mix in and ended up timing it almost perfectly.
Read More »Fense’s Radio Show: December 7, 2012Daytona came onto my radar due to the presence of a member of Harlem. Given that another member is now fully involved in Lace Curtains, yet another garage-centric rock-pop band, I was expecting more of the same. But Daytona is anything but. Read More »Daytona: Undertow MP3
Harlem’s Hippies from 2010 was ultimately one of my favorite albums of the year. It’s garage rock/pop was all you want from the genre: gritty, grungy, crude, and entirely raw. Almost too a fault. It’s what made it so good. Well Lace Curtains is the new band of Michael Coomer, vocalist of Harlem. Read More »Lace Curtains: Feature
Man, what a wild week. And I’m not talking about the wild you indie folk are used to, likely boozing it up and partying every night. I’m talking about the working life, the stress of the job, the busy days and exhaustion-laden nights. Going to bed at 9:30; I feel old. Read More »Fense’s Radio Show: February 24, 2012
I fixed my tail light. It was a simple matter of checking the fuses, noting that the 8A fuse was blown, and swapping it out. Still having issues with the front indicator and running light, but thanks to the good folk at BMW 2002 FAQ, I should have it figured out in the near future. On to the show. Read More »Fense’s Radio Show: February 17, 2012
This show began like any other, but without the transition difficulties. All was smooth. The music, on the other hand, was not. After a long, satisfying week, I was in need of some loud, abrasive rock music. But it wasn’t all like that. Due to the cold weather, I mixed in some beach pop, fuzzy dream pop and good old garage rock and pop.
Read More »Fense’s Radio Show: November 18, 2011The problem with so-called best-of lists, is that they are really just a collection of items organized based on experience and time, in that there will be plenty of albums heard the following year and beyond that will hold just as much weight as these we dub as “Best.” So, as of right now, at this particular time in the tail end of 2010 and the first moments of 2011, these albums are the best. There’s no question about it; it will change. My next list (which I’ve started, but may take a while to publish) is dubbed, paraphrase: the best albums I didn’t check out in 2011 for some reason or another.
Read More »FensePost Top 33 and 1/3: The Best Albums of 2010I know, I’ve owed this one to you, my readers, for a few months now. The plan originally was to concoct a sort of mid-year recap of the first half, dictating a slew of wonderful albums that may or may not come to find a spot on the inevitable end-of-year list. A hint at what may come. But that didn’t happen. I added a few hobbies to my seemingly never ending list of things that eat away at my time (see above photo) and it fell down the priority list.
Read More »20 Must Hear Albums from 2010: A Mid-Year ListIt’s been a few months since I threw together a podcast, so I figured it was about time for another one. Besides, I’ve been working diligently on a mix-tape for a new local pal, Brett Sandström, whom I met after purchasing a Tullycraft single on eBay – he being the seller, both of us being astonished to find other Tullycraft fans in Skagit County. What began as a modern tribute to light garage pop ultimately changed direction to hint at songs that fit a sweltering, hot summer day.
Read More »FensePost Podcast Series: FenseCast #3, Summer Heat Part 1