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golden ages

Golden Ages: Everything Will Be Alright [Video]


Everything that I have seen and heard from Philadelphia group Golden Ages has been very cutting edge. This band has influences, yes, but they pick apart the good pieces and expand on them for a sound both entrancing and captivating. There is something entirely dream-like about everything this band touches, yet it is vivid and clear. This trait is blatant in their video for “Everything Will Be Alright”; traffic signs and light posts split apart and drift away. In the beginning, a bizarre triangle appears, like a portal into a parallel universe. There are peaceful moments, risque moments, and moments that are downright terrifying. “Everything Will Be Alright” demonstrates that the mind can be a very elusive, deceitful, nightmarish thing. Read More »Golden Ages: Everything Will Be Alright [Video]

Golden Ages: Tradition [Album Review]

Golden Ages

On their debut full-length, Tradition, Golden Ages picks up where they left off on last year’s Sitting Softly In The Sea EP. “Waiting” is packed with eccentric electronic experimentation on par with a more melodic, less tribal Animal Collective. What really sets this band apart from its contemporaries is that they take common elements of electronic dance and filter them through an Oz-like world of mystery and bizarre darkness. From the ambient calm to the melodic electro-noise, Golden Ages are pretty much one of a kind. Read More »Golden Ages: Tradition [Album Review]

Golden Ages [Feature Band]

Golden Ages

Philadelphia’s Golden Ages dub themselves as creators of psychedelic pop, and that would be an adequate description. But it would also be incomplete. Their songs certainly possess elements of the psychedelic; however, there’s a lot going on in each tune that also pulls in everything from electronics to experimentation. Take, for example, the closing track of their new EP Sitting Softly In The Sea, “Everything Will Be Alright”. There’s more electro-pop here than psychedelic pop. The same can be said about opener “Here We Are At Sea”, but the focus is instead on experimentation. And “The Whale” mixes all three. Read More »Golden Ages [Feature Band]

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