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ghost box orchestra

FensePost Podcast #5: Soundtrack to the Zombie Apocalypse


About six months ago, I became completely obsessed with zombies films, mostly due to the brilliance behind Robert Kirkman‘s The Walking Dead books and the airing of the series on AMC. As Season 1 comes out on DVD and BluRay today, I figured the time was right to post this. So I buckled down and finished my zombie soundtrack podcast, filled with songs I felt perfect for a zombie film. Be assured: this will not be your typical zombie mix. Read More »FensePost Podcast #5: Soundtrack to the Zombie Apocalypse

Ghost Box Orchestra: Oh, The Moon Hangs Low [mp3]


The Only Light On begins with a dreamy, shoegaze-like percussion and guitar pattern, fronted by a playful keyboard riff. Blending post-rock and shoegaze with elements of psychedelia, Ghost Box Orchestra finds a comfortable mix between being instrumental versions of Piano Magic and The Black Heart Procession. Vastly instrumental, Ghost Box Orchestra’s music finds solace in dreamscapes, and “Oh, The Moon Hangs Low” is no different. However, it has more of a rock edge to it, with heavier, louder guitars. And it has vocals, which sets the song apart from the others on The Only Light On. “Oh, The Moon Hangs Low” is explosive, hypnotic and swarming with the ethereal mystery you expect in post-rock meets shoegaze, and they execute it all masterfully. Read More »Ghost Box Orchestra: Oh, The Moon Hangs Low [mp3]

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