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gathered ghosts

Sharon Van Etten on the Record Player

On Air at KSVR Mount Vernon: February 1, 2013 Playlist

I’ve been in a weird place musically of late. I’m a bit scattered, all over the map. My affinity for light, soft and playful folk has returned, but I’m also crushing on slacker pop and dream pop at the moment. Pretty hard, thank to bands like Darlings and Indians. I shouldn’t be surprised at this disjointedness; I have always had diverse desires when it comes to music and varied playlists like this one are a common occurrence.

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Gathered Ghosts Return with LP “Decoration Haze”

Gathered Ghosts

I recall my final months at KZUU, way back in mid-2006. What time I spent in the old studio allowed me to discover bands that even today remain among my favorites. Leaving was hard, as I felt so connected with the place. Why this reminiscence? Because Gathered Ghosts member Andreanna Wilson will be experiencing the same thing this year. Somewhat funny, then, that the first song I latch onto from their forthcoming LP Decoration Haze is “Stay Where You Are (pt. 2)”. Read More »Gathered Ghosts Return with LP “Decoration Haze”

A FensePost Top 15 List: The Best EPs of 2012

FensePost Top EPs of 2012

While everyone else goes ape sh*t over EPs by Lana Del Rey and Ke$ha, well, we took a different approach and didn’t listen to those artists this year. Instead, last night, I ran through my entire library on iTunes and settled on my top 15 EPs of 2012.

Yeah, as these lists go, I’m sure I’m missing some pretty great ones in here that will leave me slapping my forehead later, but whatevz. It’s all subjective anyway, right? Read More »A FensePost Top 15 List: The Best EPs of 2012

KSVR Board

Fense’s Radio Show: September 14, 2012

The week leading up to this week’s radio show was spent taking it easy. It’s almost the end of summer, and after several consecutive weekends of house projects that overlapped into weekday evenings, it was a needed break. The resulting playlist was a mix of randomly-pieced together new releases paired with some classic favorites such as Belle and Sebastian (circa 1996), The High Dials (2006) and old The Fresh and Onlys (2009).

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