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Francis: I Was Never Bored At All [mp3]


Francis has been hard at work on a new album and, given a first listen to their new single, it’s easy to hear this band has made some tremendous strides forward. But first, take a step back. Their self-titled EP from 2009 was pretty solid. It allowed them to shine in a very unique manner – being a band that took Sweden into a tavern and got it so hopped up on booze that a drunken punk side began to show. It had sloppy moments, but it merely enhanced the music. “I Was Never Bored At All”, the band’s new song, is not what you’d expect from the previous description. Not at all. Read More »Francis: I Was Never Bored At All [mp3]

Francis: Take It Easy [Video]


Shortly after releasing their self-titled debut EP, the band Francis now brings us a video for “Take It Easy”, one of the more mellow tracks from said EP. The song lacks much of the luster of the alcohol fueled vocals in songs like “Drunk Stranger”. The video finds the band panhandling for a trip home to pose for a final band shot. It’s a creative and entertaining romp, if you can call it that. And it suits Francis well. Read More »Francis: Take It Easy [Video]

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