Foals: Spanish Sahara [Video]
Little of that angular nature abundant on Foals‘ debut Antidote remains in their first single off the forthcoming sophomore release, Total Life Forever. In fact, “Spanish Sahara” begin so softly, virtually all traces of the elements that kept Antidote consistent and connected have vanished. You’ll find this common throughout Total Life Forever, which for the most part distances itself from that electric debut. There’s more melody here, more emotion, and a hell of a lot less hype. “Spanish Sahara” conjures memories of Radiohead post Kid A, but with a hint less experimentation. As the song nears two minutes, one finally gets a taste of the old Foals. Above all, “Spanish Sahara” displays the band’s growth over the past two years, and the video is a similar testament to the change. Read More »Foals: Spanish Sahara [Video]