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fire records

Opossom: Fly (Video)


Sam Kristofski works magic on this video for “Fly” by New Zealand psychedelic band Opossom. I’ve been obsessed with Opossom of late, both this video and the band’s LP Electric Hawaii. For “Fly”, the video joins a collective of great ones for the year, including those by Sleep Party People, Mount Eerie, and Pure Bathing Culture. Read More »Opossom: Fly (Video)

Howe Gelb: 4 Door Maverick [mp3]


One part a spoken whisper, another a harmonically sung tune, Howe Gelb‘s vocals are near mystical in their folk simplicity. These are vocals that, despite their light playful nature, can send chills down your arms. And, being a master of his trade, Gelb backs his voice with expert performers and well-crafted lyrics. “4 Door Maverick” could be a country song for all it’s talk of the 70’s Ford, but it ends up a flamenco-influenced folk song courtesy a troupe of gypsies. Read More »Howe Gelb: 4 Door Maverick [mp3]

Snowblink [Feature]


Light folk-pop artists are nothing new, but Toronto’s Daniela Gesundheit and Dan Goldman create something unique with their project Snowblink. The band’s new album Long Live came out last month on Fire Records, and it’s filled with warm, catchy little tunes. Many, like “Ambergris” and “The Tired Bees” begin softly and minimally before adding orchestrated instrumentation and back-up vocals mid-way through. Read More »Snowblink [Feature]

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