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dinosaur feathers

FensePost Podcast Series: FenseCast #2, Cooking With Fense


Tonight I hit the kitchen to compile the second FensePost podcast, or FenseCast, while cooking up one of my signature dishes: spicy steak enchiladas with homemade sauce. For desert, a delicious slice of gluten free cake courtesy Andi (the girlfriend), whose cake photo you can see in this post. Unlike the first podcast, this one had a range of bands that stemmed into several genres rather than focusing on garage rock and pop. Within I reminisce on one of my favorite bands of all time, occasionally hover around bedroom pop, and pass along one imperative ingredient in my homemade enchilada sauce. Read More »FensePost Podcast Series: FenseCast #2, Cooking With Fense

Dinosaur Feathers: Vendela Vida [mp3]


Last year, Dinosaur Feathers impressed me with their superior experimental style. Somewhere between electronic and pop, the band mixed styles familiar to bands like Animal Collective and Yeasayer, thanks to clever somewhat barbershop-quartet-like harmonies and tribal beats. They’re back this month with Fantasy Memorial, their debut LP and follow-up to Early Morning Risers EP. “Vendela Vida” is off the new album and it has hints of a Latin-influenced shuffle while remaining true to the sounds they defined on last year’s EP. This song is further proof at how stunning these guys are, especially when it comes to producing a sound that is truly unique. Dinosaur Feathers are absolutely a band to keep an eye on! Read More »Dinosaur Feathers: Vendela Vida [mp3]

The Best EPs of 2009

FensePost Top 20: Best EPs of 2009

Not surprisingly, this list is filled with EPs by quite a few bands you know and quite a few you probably don’t. Of the ones you don’t know, many are likely from Washington; a quick count leaves me with five bands, or 1/4 of this list. Many of these bands I consider among the most promising artists to surface in 2009. All are worth checking out, and you’ll want to keep an eye on them as we head into 2010.

Read More »FensePost Top 20: Best EPs of 2009

Dinosaur Feathers: Early Morning Risers [Album Review]


Imagine a barbershop quartet fronted by a more introspective Rivers Cuomo in his early days. Now back it with folk-pop guitar and give everyone in the audience some unique nonsensical item to beat upon. Send the entire troupe back to the stone ages for a few decades, and bring them back a little less sane, a bit less civilized, and the summation of this somewhat unusual scenario is the basis for the music Dinosaur Feathers (a mere trio) creates. Their brief four-song EP, Early Morning Risers introduces something quite original when it comes to songcraft. Read More »Dinosaur Feathers: Early Morning Risers [Album Review]

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