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death songs

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Fense’s Radio Show: September 14, 2012

The week leading up to this week’s radio show was spent taking it easy. It’s almost the end of summer, and after several consecutive weekends of house projects that overlapped into weekday evenings, it was a needed break. The resulting playlist was a mix of randomly-pieced together new releases paired with some classic favorites such as Belle and Sebastian (circa 1996), The High Dials (2006) and old The Fresh and Onlys (2009).

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PDX Pop Now! 2011 Edition


Yesterday we covered a new track from Portland folk outfit Death Songs called “Wounds” off the new PDX Pop Now! compilation. We talked a little bit about the band and the song, and had a few words to say about the organization as well. That wasn’t enough; it’s high time I let slip a little something — we here at FensePost have been quiet supporters of the Portland festival. Read More »PDX Pop Now! 2011 Edition

Death Songs: Wounds (MP3)


Death Songs is a band out of Portland, featuring members of that city’s folk-pop outfit The Shaky Hands. “Wounds” is vaguely reminiscent of acts like The Shaky Hands and Quiet Life. It’s full on southern-influenced folk that flirts dually with pop and rock, but keeps its roots close. Their song “Wounds”, which I’ve included below, can be found on the latest PDX Pop Now! compilation, which is now available in mp3 format. Read More »Death Songs: Wounds (MP3)

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