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cowboy indian bear

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FensePost Top 33 and 1/3: The Best Albums of 2010

The problem with so-called best-of lists, is that they are really just a collection of items organized based on experience and time, in that there will be plenty of albums heard the following year and beyond that will hold just as much weight as these we dub as “Best.” So, as of right now, at this particular time in the tail end of 2010 and the first moments of 2011, these albums are the best. There’s no question about it; it will change. My next list (which I’ve started, but may take a while to publish) is dubbed, paraphrase: the best albums I didn’t check out in 2011 for some reason or another.

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Cowboy Indian Bear: Saline [Video]


As odd as it may sound, the music created by Cowboy Indian Bear fits perfectly with the band’s name. Somewhere in the pallid obscurity of a peyote high, out in rustic Deliverance-land in middle America, their music is the loop-filled psychedelic daydream you have during a bout of insomnia at 3am. Luscious harmonies and a driving percussion backed by a hint of rock-meets-pop efficacy, “Saline” generates a power familiar to the Lawrence, Kansas area — a land known for producing great independent artists. Read More »Cowboy Indian Bear: Saline [Video]

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