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Gap Dream: Shine Your Light (Video)


This month, Gap Dream will release their sophomore LP, Shine Your Light. In preparation for the release, the band has given us a new video for the opening and title track “Shine Your Light”. It features John Ennis (Mr. Show) trying to find is friend/partner who may have been abducted by aliens. The X-Files-like sci-fi sees Ennis driven to alcoholism (or are those mini Listerine bottles?) in his search; what he ultimately discovers blows his mind. Read More »Gap Dream: Shine Your Light (Video)

Gap Dream: Generator MP3

Gap Dream

Unlike most albums, there is greatness behind every single track on Gap Dream by Gap Dream. My listening habits have commenced as such: obsessive listens to “58th Street Fingers” and “Slave” followed by the same with “Go Ahead”. Now dominating my playlist are “My Other Man” and “Leather”. And this in just a few short weeks since discovering the band. Read More »Gap Dream: Generator MP3

Gap Dream: Feature

Gap Dream

Gap Dream is the project of Cleveland resident Gabriel Fulvimar. Fulvimar’s self-titled album under the Gap Dream name appears to be heavily influenced by Nuggets-era 60s psych rock. The band has been labeled as everything from garage rock (which is a tab I would attribute to them, but only slightly) to surf-rock (not quite hearing it) and beyond. Everyone has their own opinion. Most words I’ve seen, though, agree that Gap Dream is a pretty damn phenomenal record. I, of course, fully concur. Read More »Gap Dream: Feature

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