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Fense’s Radio Show: March 2, 2012

We’ve been doing up the floors in our house, stripping out the carpet, repainting the walls, painting the trim and doors, and laying down a rich brown woven bamboo (hence the lateness of this post and the general lack of posts this week). It’s a project that should add equity to our house and, one day, our pockets. I threw this playlist together Friday morning and set to work stripping carpet from the hallway while it played in the background. Read More »Fense’s Radio Show: March 2, 2012

25 Great Bands, 30 Great Music Videos


Creating a music video, in my opinion, should be about creating art. There are so many intricate elements that should go into a video that are so often left forgotten or, at least, unattended. First and foremost is the song itself — a video must compliment the art to which it is expanding from audio to video. Connecting the two is extremely important. Second is theme. The best videos have some storyline, vague or distinct. Or at least something visually interesting. Read More »25 Great Bands, 30 Great Music Videos

Casiokids: Finn Bikkjen! [Video]


Casiokids‘ “Finn Bikkjen!” is a video about a man and his dog. On his dreamscape journey attempting to catch his best friend, he comes across strange dancers. From there, things get a little weird. The video goes well with the Casiokids style of psychedelic electro pop. “Finn Bikkjen!” lives up to the band’s recent hype, collecting hip beats and fronting it with their Norwegian tongue. The result is a fun tune, a fun video, and an exciting new band. Read More »Casiokids: Finn Bikkjen! [Video]

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