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Gap Dream: Shine Your Light (Video)


This month, Gap Dream will release their sophomore LP, Shine Your Light. In preparation for the release, the band has given us a new video for the opening and title track “Shine Your Light”. It features John Ennis (Mr. Show) trying to find is friend/partner who may have been abducted by aliens. The X-Files-like sci-fi sees Ennis driven to alcoholism (or are those mini Listerine bottles?) in his search; what he ultimately discovers blows his mind. Read More »Gap Dream: Shine Your Light (Video)


Fialta Releases Orchestral Pop LP “Summer Winter”


Named after a fictionalized Mediterranean town where an enigmatic protagonist explores the themes of vacation, unreliable memory, idealized love, and the confusion evoked by time passing, Fialta‘s music is a seemingly perfect fit. There is a quality in songs like “Photographs” and “Cars” fit the carefree nature of vacations and hints of an underlying timeless romanticism. Read More »Fialta Releases Orchestral Pop LP “Summer Winter”

Twin Cabins: Cool Kids (Video)

Twin Cabins

What a great video! Twin Cabins is the solo project of Mexico-born, California resident Nacho Cano. It is under the Twin Cabins name that he creates experimental dreamy Californian electro-pop with hints of chillwave, all of it at home on the beach. “Cool Kids” comes from the band’s 9-song debut I’m Sure, which a little email I received calls a love letter to past lovers, new lovers, and the comfort of an unpredictable future. Read More »Twin Cabins: Cool Kids (Video)

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