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burning building records

Post Harbor: They Can’t Hurt You If You Don’t Believe In Them [Album Review]


With an album title like They Can’t Hurt You If You Don’t Believe In Them, Seattle’s Post Harbor is, in a way, exactly what you’d expect. Blending a modern post rock sound – that ever-loved epic fight between soft and loud – with the sensibilities of indie rock circa the mid- to late-90s, the album opens with instrumental “Ponaturi” before sneaking into a similar sound with “Cities Of The Interior”. It’s a surprise when, roughly two-minutes into the song, vocals chime in melodic and nonthreatening; you don’t expect it at first, but after a moment they greet you like an old friend. Then they’re gone, and wind-blown silence takes over before deafening guitars ring high as mountaintops. Read More »Post Harbor: They Can’t Hurt You If You Don’t Believe In Them [Album Review]

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