Home » Built to Spill Built to Spill

Built to Spill is the project of Doug Martsch out of Boise, ID. Martsch founded the group in 1992 with the intent of having a collaborative, ever-evolving group of artists and musicians. After a handful of releases on Sub Pop offshoot Up Records in the early to mid 90s, Martsch signed to Warner Bros, which was the bands label between 1995 and 2016.
The band returned to the Sub Pop circle in 2022 with When the Wind Forgets Your Name, which subsequently earned acclaim on my (Andy’s) Best of 2022 list. In fact, Built to Spill has been a mainstay for me since the ’90s, when Perfect From Now On became a massively influential album in my life. It was among the albums that spurned the passion for discovery new music into an obsession.
Below you’ll find a variety of posts, album reviews, 7″ single reviews, features, and lists on FensePost featuring Built to Spill.