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Drummers: Planes [Video]


Drummers is a band that initially reminded me of a favorite from a few years back, a band that dominated noise in every way possible. Vocals, drums and guitar were no match for the volume the three made when combined. That band was and is Japandroids. Drummers is based in Boston; they’re a band that has shared the stage with The Thermals and Built To Spill, and they share members (past and present) with Hardly Art’s Pretty & Nice. So from the get-go, you know things will get loud. Read More »Drummers: Planes [Video]

Ghost Box Orchestra: Oh, The Moon Hangs Low [mp3]


The Only Light On begins with a dreamy, shoegaze-like percussion and guitar pattern, fronted by a playful keyboard riff. Blending post-rock and shoegaze with elements of psychedelia, Ghost Box Orchestra finds a comfortable mix between being instrumental versions of Piano Magic and The Black Heart Procession. Vastly instrumental, Ghost Box Orchestra’s music finds solace in dreamscapes, and “Oh, The Moon Hangs Low” is no different. However, it has more of a rock edge to it, with heavier, louder guitars. And it has vocals, which sets the song apart from the others on The Only Light On. “Oh, The Moon Hangs Low” is explosive, hypnotic and swarming with the ethereal mystery you expect in post-rock meets shoegaze, and they execute it all masterfully. Read More »Ghost Box Orchestra: Oh, The Moon Hangs Low [mp3]

One Happy Island [Feature]

One Happy Island

I thought I recognized the One Happy Island name. The band recently released a few singles on 3″ CD via the London-based pop label weePOP. The latest is that they have a new one out soon on Odd Box Records — the band’s debut self-titled full-length. One Happy Island creates hyperactive pop with overly ambitious percussion (in a good way), a slew of chanting vocalists, and a sound entirely lo-fi and uninhibited by post production. They also write soft pop songs that border on folk. Read More »One Happy Island [Feature]

Alan Cohen Experience: Einstein [Track]

Alan Cohen Experience

Alan Cohen shook your world in 2008 with the ultimate ode to the then president-elect (Senator) Barack Obama with his intense dance track “The Obama Groove”. In 2009, he took us on a journey back in time with one of the greatest hippie rock albums since Country Joe & The Fish, the Experience’s EP Eat The Peace. So where should a guy go when politics have faded away into the popular culture oblivion? Well, how about THE oblivion. Or how about the entire solar system for that matter? Read More »Alan Cohen Experience: Einstein [Track]

Father Abraham [Feature Artist]

Father Abraham

Boston native Father Abraham is a hip hop artist baked from a different mold. His thought-inspiring words bring forth the power of joy, but do not distort the reality in which he lives. It is quite a social distortion to hear such a funky fresh and uplifting beats that is fronted by lines like We all go to hell in a fast car. It’s fun, it’s sad, it’s the purity of endangered lives. Through his own personal battles, this MC exploits all sense of being. Read More »Father Abraham [Feature Artist]

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