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Fense’s Radio Show: October 12, 2012

Stuarto at KSVR

It’s fund drive time at KSVR and KSVU, and that means spending a little extra time in the studio. I arrived early and accompanied Stuarto during his show then he accompanied me during mine. I snapped the above shot of Stuarto before I took over the mic. He had an oldies theme going, playing tunes by the Rolling Stones, The Supremes, Willie Nelson and many, many more. My show, par the usual, was filled with the new. Read More »Fense’s Radio Show: October 12, 2012

Fense’s Radio Show: October 7, 2011

I entered the studio at about 9:35pm, meeting up with Stuarto, who has the time slot before mine. A quick interview about 15 minutes before my show, another few songs, and I was up. It was requested that I attempt a transition, and as indie music is my theme, and world music is his, I figured I’d kick things off with an oldie, but goodie: “The Gulag Orkestar” by Beirut. Read More »Fense’s Radio Show: October 7, 2011

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