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Kishi Bashi Christmas Flexi Disc

Fense’s Radio Show: It’s An Indie Christmas

Each year I shun Christmas music like it’s the plague. It begins too early, is far too repetitive, and, quite frankly, is a bit boring. That is, until this year. It began with “The Week Between”, a new track off One Christmas at a Time, an LP that finds Jonathan Coulton and John Roderick (The Long Winters) collaborating for a full album of original Christmas music.

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Bears: I’m A Snowman [mp3]


Is it just me or is there an overabundance of indie Christmas tunes being released this year? As in, substantial quantities more than usual. Maybe I’m just paying attention this time ’round. Anyway, one of the better ones I’ve heard as we approach the holiday season is “I’m A Snowman” by Ohio’s best pop group Bears. Read More »Bears: I’m A Snowman [mp3]

Bears: Bears [Album Review]

Bears, Pop Band

How many bands these days have a xylophone? Very few. It’s just one of the many things that make Bears (MySpace) special. On their self-titled debut, the Cleveland, Ohio pop group mixes its pop sensibilities with light psychedelia on par with early Of Montreal and Elephant 6 style-recordings. Lumped into that somewhat classic era in more modern pop music would make it seem like Bears have a lot to live up to, but with such a strong debut, the group appears to have already succeeded. Read More »Bears: Bears [Album Review]

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