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asthmatic kitty records

5 Quirky Songs That Make Me Immensely Happy

On occasion, you just need something fun to play on your stereo. If you’re in that quirky, smiley sort of mood, this list is for you. Today I present to you, my reader, five quirky songs that make me immensely happy. One is from a band you might not expect (with exception to them being one of my all-time favorite artists), one a garage-y masterpiece, a few pop gems, and even a crazy little Christmas song.

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My Brightest Diamond: Reaching Through To The Other Side (MP3)


The music of My Brightest Diamond has always been a bit out there. It features a very non-traditional sound when it comes to pop music, oft with orchestral movements much more suited for classical music than popular. Add to that the eccentricities of front-woman Shara Worden, who’s blood runs with music – both mother and father were musicians as was a grandparent, all of whom seemed to have a bit of gypsy in their blood. Read More »My Brightest Diamond: Reaching Through To The Other Side (MP3)

Royal City: 1999-2004 [Cover Art]


On a recent drive to Seattle from my new hometown of Mount Vernon, I picked up my iPod Touch and changed the song to Royal City’s “Bad Luck”, putting it on a one-song repeat. The song clocks 3:04 and is only the palest shade less impressive than album opener “Here Comes Success”. Both songs are absolutely stunning, blending a gritty folk-rock with freak-folk and noise. Read More »Royal City: 1999-2004 [Cover Art]

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