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art circus

Art Circus: Feature Band

Art Circus (Band)

Art Circus combines the cute nature of Au Revoir Simone with traits of electronic pop and even (if just slightly) hip hop (at least on this song). Yes, that sounds a little odd, but check out “My Heart Hurts” and I think you’ll understand. The song is slightly melodramatic and moody, backed by a dreamy drum box and indie pop synths, all fronted by Halle Jane with vocals pure and sweet. Read More »Art Circus: Feature Band

Vintage Schwinn Exerciser

Fense’s Radio Show: September 7, 2012

It’s been a whirlwind few weeks, finishing the kitchen project, rearranging the living room (the above photo is from that project) and now beginning to terrace the back yard. It’s hard to imagine I found time to check out new music. This week’s favorite discoveries include the new LP by The Maldives, the latest by Dana Falconberry and Art Circus, a phenomenal new LP by Woods, more great stuff from White Blood Cells out of Vancouver, and Upside Drown off a new little Olympia-based label called Antiquated Future Records.

Read More »Fense’s Radio Show: September 7, 2012
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