Fense’s Radio Show: November 4, 2011
Friday evening was a mad house. Getting into the station wasn’t the issue, as I expect it will be in… Read More »Fense’s Radio Show: November 4, 2011
Friday evening was a mad house. Getting into the station wasn’t the issue, as I expect it will be in… Read More »Fense’s Radio Show: November 4, 2011
There’s nothing like driving at night to regather your thoughts and emotions. It’s dark, the road winds on and on, and if you live in the country like I do the stars hang patiently above on clear summer nights. The imagery is stark: I remember a time where I drove off into the middle of nowhere just to drive. It was pitch black out but for the stars and moon and my headlights. Speeding past farms with barking dogs and hills covered in wheat fields with my windows down, letting the cool evening summer air wisp by my ears and blow in my hair—it’s an amazing feeling; one that Arco easily brings home with the A-Side chorus of this single. Read More »Arco: Driving At Night [7″ Review]