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anja mccloskey

Anja McCloskey: And Her Head (Video)

What better way to visually express the beauty of Anja McCloskey‘s exquisite vocals and accordion based folk music than through interpretive dance, right?  And better yet, how about a setting that is reminiscent of any one of the Twilight movies, but make it far more interesting and relevant (to anything really).  Then throw in some random blood-smeared faces.  And while the situation is obviously a bit dark and partially morbid, the obvious beauty of Anja’s voice can not be masked. Read More »Anja McCloskey: And Her Head (Video)

Anja McCloskey [Feautre]


What is that glimmering light reflecting off the empty RC Cola can on my window sill? The sun is not shining, but everything seems so bright. That’s when I realized that is was a spirit from an estranged universe shining in and talking to me through my iTunes, its Anja McCloskey singing “Instigate It”. And that is much better anyway! This American-German singer-songwriter and accordionist, who resides in the UK, has a specifically fine-tuned set of vocals that tell of how the heavens can come crashing down on to us at any moment; it’s simply enlightening. So we better start loving now. Read More »Anja McCloskey [Feautre]

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