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Valentine’s Day Special: 21 Great Singles You May Have Missed

I’ve been contemplating doing something for Valentine’s Day for years, and I finally settled on something good — a massive post packed with great singles from the past. Seems fitting, being the romantic holiday can be a bit alienating for the single person. Or that the seemingly comfy nature of the 7-inch single, with two (well, typically, with an occasional three or four) great songs placed back to back and stuffed in a typically well-designed sleeve, is a bit romantic in and of itself.

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The Wagner Logic: Yesterday Evening [mp3]

The Wagner Logic

The Wagner Logic‘s second single from their self-titled sophomore LP is the sort of song that makes you want to move to the mountains and write songs about the outside world that you don’t have to see. “Yesterday Evening” is the sort of track that leaves you enlightened and disturbed at the same time. The delicate acoustic strumming and finely-tuned keyboard instrumentals set the mood as a story of a small gathering and the terrible outcome of something so simple. It’s strange to think that these Alaskan natives are, in comparative standards, stranded in the middle of a land that few can even comprehend, yet they have a wonderful grasp on reality and its ever cumbersome and illiterate translations of happiness. This is a band that should be watched continuously and heard with unfiltered ears. Read More »The Wagner Logic: Yesterday Evening [mp3]

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