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Daniel Martin Moore: Stray Age [Album Review]

Daniel Martin Moore

Written by Fense

Sub Pop is a continual source of surprise; sure, they’ve had their share of genre-swapping, but the latest add to the roster still comes as a bit of a shock. Daniel Martin Moore (MySpace) is a folk artist in the truest of senses–his songs feature him and a guitar. His vocals are melodic and pleasant–and in combining those two words as I have in the past, I realize that Moore may live up to the statement more than any other artist about whom I’ve made the offhand melodic and pleasant comment. Read More »Daniel Martin Moore: Stray Age [Album Review]

Jeff Hanson: If I Only Knew [Video]

Jeff Hanson

Written by Fense

Madam Owl is the title of the new album by Jeff Hanson (MySpace), out now on Kill Rock Stars, and it’s quite a change from Son and his self-titled release. Overall, Hanson departs from folk and dives headlong into pop. However, that’s not the biggest change on Madam Owl… no, it’s the addition of orchestration that really sets this album apart from his prior catalog. Read More »Jeff Hanson: If I Only Knew [Video]

Mad Tea Party: Found A Reason [Album Review]

Mad Tea Party by Sandlin Gaither

Written by bob_vinyl

There is an interesting revival of old-time music afoot. Tapping into vaudeville, string bands and vocal groups of the 30s and 40s, these bands’ strengths can also be their limitations, making many strictly revivalists rather a modern look at the past. A few, however, manage to break the bounds of revivalism to make music that is as thoroughly modern as it is old-time. Read More »Mad Tea Party: Found A Reason [Album Review]

The Little Ones: Morning Tide [Album Review]

The Little Ones

Do you ever pick up an album and have trouble making it past the first two songs? (You may think, by reading this question, that I am referencing an album so awful that you simply pull it from your CD player. However, this question is posed in a different light—the album begins so strongly with such great songs that it takes ages to really get past those first few due to your continually hitting the REPEAT button.) So have you? I have—and the latest to succumb to the curse is the latest by The Little Ones (MySpace), Morning Tide. Read More »The Little Ones: Morning Tide [Album Review]

Celestial: Crystal Heights [Album Review]


Oh yes, now Celestial has several traits of the typical Swedish pop band. There’s the lovely indie pop guitar sound that shows The Smiths as a key influence. There’s the bouncy, yet emotive vocals—here female fronted. (That woman is Malin Dahlberg, perhaps more well known for her work in Douglas Music and Laurel Music.) And, it sounds like Swedish pop, a sub genre that sometimes can be fairly homogeneous.

Read More »Celestial: Crystal Heights [Album Review]

Delta Spirit [Feature Band]

Delta Spirit

Written by Fense

This feature warrants a introductory statement: For those of you who actually read, you’re in for a treat. In an effort to boost FensePost comments, I’m giving you a chance to get the Delta Spirit CD and a physical copy of Ragged Magazine. Leave your comment over the weekend or early next week and I’ll choose a winner on next Friday. Simply let me know what you think of the song “Trashcan”, included below. It can be well thought out, or simply an I love it! Read More »Delta Spirit [Feature Band]

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