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The latest and greatest music videos, and a few older ones to fill your time. You’ll also find music-related movie trailers, an occasional advertisement, posts about music film, and music documentary reviews.

Fleet Foxes: He Doesn’t Know Why [Video]

Fleet Foxes by David Belisle

Written by Fense

Oh I like this video. It’s a bit of a departure from Fleet Foxes’ first video, “White Winter Hymnal”, but it’s just as good. The video displays perfectly the group’s ability to construct multiple-part vocal harmonies, and emphasizes the band’s folk-rock sensibilities. If you’re new to Fleet Foxes, you’re in for a treat; if you’re an old hand at their music, you pretty much know what to expect. Either way, the video is worth it. Read More »Fleet Foxes: He Doesn’t Know Why [Video]

Grand Archives: Miniature Birds [Video]

Grand Archives by David Belisle

Written by Fense

A comfort band is one that you can return to at any time and any place and still enjoy; the true comfort band typically falls into a categorization that includes some all-time favorite albums and groups that make top personal end of year charts. Their songs have that certain something—a connection—that is, if nothing else, comforting. Grand Archives (MySpace) is such a band for me. Read More »Grand Archives: Miniature Birds [Video]

Fredrik: 1986 [Video]


Written by Fense

Here it is, the debut video by Swedish experimental pop masters Fredrik (MySpace), led by frontman Fredrik, also known as one half of the duo that is The LK (previously The Lovekevins). Fredrik is a bit fuller than the other project. Despite the singular name, Fredrik is actually a full-fledged group, featuring several members as opposed to The LK’s duo (also featuring Lindefelt, who appears here as well). Read More »Fredrik: 1986 [Video]

Souvlaki: Pequeno Corazon Multilinge [Video]


Written by Fense

In part three of my Si No Puedo Bailar, No Es Me Revolución coverage, I present Souvlaki (MySpace). This band hails from Chile and is one of nearly 20 artists to appear on the recent Si No Puedo Bailar compilation Pero Ese Olor En El Cuarto Del Piano Fue El Primer Perfume Que Necesitó En Su Vida, available now from Darla Records. Here, their video for “Pequeno Corazon Multilinge” combines new with old for a unique take on video creation. Read More »Souvlaki: Pequeno Corazon Multilinge [Video]

White Rabbits: The Plot [Video]

White Rabbits by Lucy Hamblin

Written by Fense

Oh glorious garage pop, how I love thee. I was looking for a new album to tuck nicely beside one of my all-time, top 10 albums, Up Against The Legends by The Legends, and what I found was Fort Nightly by White Rabbits (MySpace). And it worked perfectly. The elements are there—the hefty drums and electric guitars all have a massive pop ring and… oh… that tambourine! Read More »White Rabbits: The Plot [Video]

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