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The latest and greatest music videos, and a few older ones to fill your time. You’ll also find music-related movie trailers, an occasional advertisement, posts about music film, and music documentary reviews.

The Legends: Always The Same [Video]

Over And Over by The Legends came out recently on Labrador Records, but when I attempted to order it from the local record shop they noted it wouldn’t be out for another few weeks. While this is likely due to an alternate US release date, or whatever, I was happy to hear The Legends, one of Johan Angergård’s many quality Swedish groups, gave us a little teaser to pass the time.

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Hearts of Palm UK: I Flow [Video Review]

Hearts Of Palm UK

Awkwardness and surrealism have never worked better together than on the video for Hearts of Palm UK‘s single “I Flow”. This female trio performs their synth-heavy track over various mystical images via several green-screen transformations. The beautiful hilarity of these ladies acting so silly manages to uplift the single to an even more wonderfully appealing arrangement of catchy flows. For once, a video actually does sell the song. Read More »Hearts of Palm UK: I Flow [Video Review]

Immaculate Machine: Sound The Alarms [Music Video]

Immaculate Machine

I could tell you the reason I’m writing about Immaculate Machine today is because their lead vocalist, Brooke Gallupe, has a cool mustache (I have a bizarre obsession with the things). That, however, would only be partly true. Ever the fan of a cool mustache, it was the first item that drew me to the band. The second, was the catchy melody in “Sound The Alarm”. Read More »Immaculate Machine: Sound The Alarms [Music Video]

Kenron: There Go Home [Video Review]


Kenron is a very eccentric yet calm character. He boasts his music to be “emotionally charged pep talks.” This is about as accurate of a description as anyone could foster up. He writes songs that are intoxicating and oddly comforting to the heart and body. Though simple in nature, these are the type of songs you may want to know of when looking for lyrically charmed examples of the sometimes horribly written book of life. Read More »Kenron: There Go Home [Video Review]

Empire Of The Sun: We Are The People [Music Video]

Empire Of The Sun

Empire Of The Sun (MySpace) is not your typical duo. They add theatrics to their songs. They blend earth-based life with ancient spiritual aesthetic. They bring the golden age of early civilization into the modern technological world. They also take their name from a 1987 Speilberg flick. One listen to either of Empire Of The Sun’s first two “hits” and you’ll hear why everyone is talking about these guys — they’re easily this year’s MGMT. Read More »Empire Of The Sun: We Are The People [Music Video]

Cloud Cult: No One Said It Would Be Easy [Movie Review]

Cloud Cult

“The original idea with Cloud Cult,” states front-man Craig Minowa twenty six minutes into No One Said It Would Be Easy, “was to try and create something that would make people feel alive for a moment.” While that mantra has changed slightly since the group’s inception, I’d bet it’s pretty safe to say they know they’ve succeeded at achieving their original intent. Read More »Cloud Cult: No One Said It Would Be Easy [Movie Review]

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