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The latest and greatest music videos, and a few older ones to fill your time. You’ll also find music-related movie trailers, an occasional advertisement, posts about music film, and music documentary reviews.

Stereo Alligator: Blow Away [Video Review]

Stereo Alligator

Animated music videos are absolutely nothing new, but Stereo Alligator give their sketchbook vibes a 3D twist in “Blow Away”. They give it a unique sort of animation. Furthermore, there’s the whole supernatural/sci-fi element, which is rare for animated videos. The overall concept is pretty sweet, fitting Stereo Alligator’s dark electro-synth sound. And everything comes together at the end — an understanding is reached as the video concludes. Read More »Stereo Alligator: Blow Away [Video Review]

All Leather: I Don’t Hate… [Video Review]

All Leather

Don’t get offended; I know you want to. Honestly, I had my own reservations even posting this. It’s not necessarily due to the content of the video, rather the name of the song. It’s offensive. But you just have to get past it, past its un-politically-correctness. Because, when it comes down to it, “I Don’t Hate…” by All Leather is about (in my opinion) the stereotypical hate select religious fundamentalists put on people different from their devout. Read More »All Leather: I Don’t Hate… [Video Review]

Experimental Dental School: Royal Fantasy Snow [Video]

Experimental Dental School | XDS

As a marketing professional, I am entirely aware that familiarity rarely leads to loyalty. Something else must occur to take it to that next step, but awareness is a key to getting there. I’ve known of Experimental Dental School since their 2½ Creatures release in 2006, but only now am becoming a true fan thanks to this video for “Royal Fantasy Snow” off their new release, Forest Field. Read More »Experimental Dental School: Royal Fantasy Snow [Video]

Nathaniel Sutton: Serious Crime [Video]

Nathaniel Sutton

Throughout the video for Nathaniel Sutton‘s “Serious Crime”, I anticipated a twist or a shock. It seemed inevitable, but it never really came. That’s OK, though, as Sutton’s music and the accompanying video go quite well together. Although it’s initially odd, as the characters consist of a panda hand puppet (who acts as Sutton himself, singing the song), and a stuffed bear. Read More »Nathaniel Sutton: Serious Crime [Video]

Leonard Cohen: I’m Your Man [Film]

Leonard Cohen

I can recall the precise moment I discovered Leonard Cohen. It was the early days of the turn of the century and I was going through a phase of listening to morose, emotive music. It was those late adolescent days you have yet to discover who you are; the teenage years were slipping away. It was here I first began listening to artists like Bright Eyes and Hayden. It was the song “Famous Blue Raincoat” performed by the latter that did it for me. Read More »Leonard Cohen: I’m Your Man [Film]

Ah Holly Fam'ly

Ah Holly Fam’ly | All Unfolding | Video Review

It’s already obvious to me that Reservoir by Ah Holly Fam’ly is a contender for a top 10 position of my Best of 2009 list. And, after several listens, “All Unfolding” has quickly taken the lead as my favorite track off the album. Much of its pinnacle placement is due to the dominating presence of Jeremy Faulkner’s most unique style vocals. Here the band performs the song during a practice session in a Portland basement.

Read More »Ah Holly Fam’ly | All Unfolding | Video Review

Summer Cats: Super [Video]

Summer Cats

Summer Cats‘ new LP, Songs For Tuesday, is backed with lovable indie pop gems like “Lonely Planet”, “Hey You” and “Super”. After dropping a video last year for “Lonely Planet”, Summer Cats now do the same for “Super”, one of the more infectious songs off the Australian pop band’s latest. Where “Lonely Planet” merely featured people dancing around, this one has more of a storyline. There’s plenty to love here, from people with cat faces (just paint), to the exquisite French car, to the adorable kitten at the end. Read More »Summer Cats: Super [Video]

The Zookeepers: Darling [Video]

The Zookeepers

I’m usually opposed to covering videos which simply show the band performing their song unless there’s something unique about the performance — say, like a special live version or video session. Initially I thought “Darling” by The Zookeepers would be the former; after all, it’s the band performing their song… sort of. But not really. It’s just a group of kids dicking around on the beach with instruments and fireworks. And boy does that bring back memories. Read More »The Zookeepers: Darling [Video]

The Cloud I’m Under: Future Games [Video]

The Cloud I'm Under

I recall getting lost as a child at night in a mid-80s fair, packed full of looming dark shapes and carnies with poor teeth. The video for “Future Games” brings back those memories — it’s merely modern home video of an evening at the fair. The Cloud I’m Under just released a free EP titled Ears Ringing/Hearts Full/Pockets Empty, an album filled with cool electro-synth-pop including “Future Games” and “Out At Mars”. Read More »The Cloud I’m Under: Future Games [Video]

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