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The latest and greatest music videos, and a few older ones to fill your time. You’ll also find music-related movie trailers, an occasional advertisement, posts about music film, and music documentary reviews.

Hush Arbors: Coming Home [Video]


Dueling photography is what you get with Hush Arbors‘ video for “Coming Home” off their recent Ecstatic Peace LP, Yankee Reality. First there’s the beautiful landscapes of mountains and hills and lakes from across the country (and possibly world). Then, the second photographic element is stop motion photography of the band fooling around in front of the screen on which the landscapes appear. It’s interesting, colorful, fun, and fits well with the song. Read More »Hush Arbors: Coming Home [Video]

[ingenting] – Dina händer är fulla av blommor [Video]


Oh I’m loving this! It’s the new video by (what seems like) Sweden’s only native-tongue-singing band [ingenting]. The song is “Dina händer är fulla av blommor” and it’s one of their catchiest yet, easily matching prior favorites like “Syster dyster”, “Har kommer solen” and “Slapp Inb Solen”. A loose, very poor translation (no thanks to very poor online translation systems) could be “In Your Hands Full Of Blossoms” or possibly even “Your Hands Are Full Of Blossoms”. It’s a sad song, one full of longing and loss. The theme is carried through the video quite nicely, making my forthcoming compilation of the year’s best videos even harder to pare down. Read More »[ingenting] – Dina händer är fulla av blommor [Video]

The Rest: The Lady Vanishes [Video]


Toronto’s favorite group of indie rockers The Rest have always shown a certain flare for making tunes that generate wild imagery in one’s mind. Now they have brought a new flavor of obscurity to the moving pictures (a.k.a. music videos, google “MTV in the 80’s”). Yes, they are showing off again, but they have branched off into a new zone of creativity by providing an updated soundtrack to Alfred Hitchcock’s cult classic film “The Lady Vanishes” with their stellar track of the same name. Read More »The Rest: The Lady Vanishes [Video]

Little Big Adventure: Happiest Times [Video]


Here’s an amazing little video by Sweden’s Little Big Adventure. True to the band’s name, “Happiest Times” features a man on a journey in the more unconventional of senses. What makes this a good video is the near eerie way it progresses, with time sped up and a good concept: the character moves forward on his stomach with flowers and a briefcase, a wanderer roaming the countryside. Read More »Little Big Adventure: Happiest Times [Video]

Oh No Ono Band

Oh No Ono: Swim [Video]

Danish experimental psychedelic pop group Oh No Ono recently signed to Friendly Fire Recordings for their upcoming release Eggs. The first single is “Swim” and its accompanying video is one part disturbing and another inspirational. Featuring a young boy (what an eerie resemblance to the boy in The Shining!) who acts as the observer of all things within the hospital in which his mother works, he blurs reality with fantasy. Life, death, sex; they all happen in this somewhat risque video by Adam Hashemi.

Read More »Oh No Ono: Swim [Video]

Museum Of Bellas Artes: Who Do You Love [Video]


Sweden is no stranger to pop, as you well know by now if you’re a regular here. But they also have a dance side, as proved by artists like Unarmed Enemies and Le Sport. And these artists know a good cover. Le Sport dons a Pet Shop Boys sound frequently, while Unarmed Enemies does a mean rendition of The Go Betweens’ “Going Blind”. Museum Of Bellas Artes remake the Sapphires 1964 soulful pop hit “Who Do You Love”. Read More »Museum Of Bellas Artes: Who Do You Love [Video]

The Cribs: We Share The Same Skies [Video]


Ignore The Ignorant is an album defined by volume and electricity, and the single “We Share The Same Skies” is pure, raw British rock. There’s little new here, but for the most part that’s OK because The Cribs dish out one damn catchy hit in “We Share The Same Skies”. Johnny Marr (The Smiths, Modest Mouse) produced the new album, and these days also joins the band on stage. Read More »The Cribs: We Share The Same Skies [Video]

Ramona Falls: I Say Fever [Video]


Brent Knopf has never failed to impress listeners with his Portland based group Menomena; cult followings happen for a reason. And fans are sure to follow Knopf as he embarks in his first solo efforts under the kooky moniker Ramona Falls. Hooking up with Sundance prize winning animation director Stefan Nadelman (who, by no coincidence is a former Menomena video director) on the video for his single “I Say Fever” was just another brilliant move this massively talented artist had to make. Read More »Ramona Falls: I Say Fever [Video]

Ólafur Arnalds: Ljósið [Video]


In “Ljósið”, Ólafur Arnalds takes classical music in a new direction, giving the song visual treatment – color that swirls like smoke. It moves in a representation between volume and composition. Part of Arnald’s Found Songs collection, in which the composer wrote and recorded one song per day for seven days, “Ljósið” is borderline transcendental; it has the capability to lift you up to a new plane of existence while soothing the mind and body. Arnalds has proved here that he is at the forefront of becoming one of the greatest modern composers, and his willingness to think outside the box with videos like that of “Ljósið” makes him more than worthy of the title. Read More »Ã“lafur Arnalds: Ljósið [Video]

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