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The latest and greatest music videos, and a few older ones to fill your time. You’ll also find music-related movie trailers, an occasional advertisement, posts about music film, and music documentary reviews.

CLAPS: Fold [Video]


CLAPS produce a sound that isn’t entirely new, but it’s one that is infectious and fun. Heavy, moody synths set the stage on “Fold”, the opening tune off the band’s EP New Science. Fronting that is a monotonous, emotive vocal tenor. Overall, it’s fairly minimal with programmed percussion, but the sound is real and possesses an aura of fullness and color. The band capitalizes on both these elements in their video for “Fold”, filmed by 612im. With CLAPS’ 80s new wave mod sound and the continual focus adjustments from the camera, “Fold” is enough to make the listener tipsy. It induces that pseudo-depressed, manically happy state somewhere between lucidity and being flat out drunk. It’s a good feeling: no forthcoming hangover. Read More »CLAPS: Fold [Video]

The Burning Hotels: Austin’s Birthday [Video]

The Burning Hotels

A night in an amusement park is always a memorable experience. The thrill that a few PBR’s and a belly full of elephant ears can bring is almost indescribable. It’s an event that is best left documented in the sands of time via home video camera. What can make said documentation of the evening better? How about if you threw in a nice indie pop ditty like “Austin’s Birthday” from Texas-based The Burning Hotels. Their crisp and highly effective sense of rhythm is nothing short of a perfect reincarnation of the modern post punk era that has been imitated many times before, but save for The Strokes or the now debunked Young Immortals, never quite like this. Read More »The Burning Hotels: Austin’s Birthday [Video]

The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart: Higher Than The Stars [Video]

The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart

One of last year’s top bands is at it again with a new single out next month on Slumberland Records for their new song “Say No To Love”. To mark the occasion, The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart also given us a video of the recent dream pop single “Higher Than The Stars”. The video starts out in black and white, with the sole addition of the color orange, but switches to full color in the middle. From Dylan Mulick, the video gives TPOBPAH a playful side to their typically moody music. Read More »The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart: Higher Than The Stars [Video]

Butts: Panty Exchange [Video]


Butts writes silly songs about bad vices. It’s in their nature to do so. There’s one about alcohol, another about cigarettes, and a third about pot. Then there’s “Panty Exchange”, for which they just released a new video. It’s a vice that’s downright dangerous as the girls (Rachel and Shannon) demonstrate. Featuring the black-clad Butts duo, Leo Gebhardt, a colorful array of “panty protectors”, and superb camera work and video production by Turtleneck Productions and Carlos Lopez, “Panty Exchange” is sure to turn some heads. It has all the right elements: a briefcase drop, a getting-ready-for-mischief montage, and a plot line that almost makes sense. Read More »Butts: Panty Exchange [Video]

Club 8: Western Hospitality [Video]

club 8

OK, I love this. True to recent videos by The Legends, a band fronted by Johan AngergÃ¥rd who also appears in Club 8, the video for “Western Hospitality” features dancing in a manner you wouldn’t typically expect. First, the mystic and masterful electro tune “Lucky Star” off Public Radio, then again briefly on “Always The Same” off the recent Over And Over. “Western Hospitality” is the latest hit by Club 8 and once again AngergÃ¥rd and counterpart Karolina Komstedt incorporate dancing into a video, this time by a young girl who plays the often ignored office outcast. I’ve already raved about this song; paired with this video, it’s stands true as one of Club 8’s best tunes yet! Read More »Club 8: Western Hospitality [Video]

The Dø: At Last [Video]

The Dø

The Dø are a French meets Finnish duo who released their debut LP, A Mouthful on Six Degrees Records earlier this month, which prompted the infamous Pitchfork to state the album “is as ambitious and fun as any coming-out party in recent memory.” After giving it a listen, I can attest that it is pretty damn fun. “At Last” is an easy favorite with over-pronounced words sung in a sexy foreign accent and a laid-back, calm guitar strum that dares you not to fall in love. Read More »The Dø: At Last [Video]

Jeremy Burk: Clapping Song [Video]

Jeremy Burk

It’s been about ten months since Jeremy Burk was featured on Fensepost. Since then, he has officially released his debut album I Hope You Find What You’re Looking For via West Advocate Recordings and has been riding the coat tail of it’s modest appeal ever since. After hooking up with first time director Brent Anderson for his first video for “The Clapping Song”, our dance along folk friend is back on the Post to show us what exactly he has been up to. Read More »Jeremy Burk: Clapping Song [Video]

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