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The latest and greatest music videos, and a few older ones to fill your time. You’ll also find music-related movie trailers, an occasional advertisement, posts about music film, and music documentary reviews.

Netherfriends: Bret Easton Ellis Novel [Video]


When I first checked out Netherfriends last year, I may have noted that they reminded me a bit of Animal Collective. That, maybe, and perhaps The Dodos. But, in actuality, they’re somewhere between. Gone are AC’s tribal shrieks and gone are The Dodos’ acoustic strums. When it comes down to it, Netherfriends really are their own beast. They may fit that same string of genres — folk, pop, experimental, psychedelic, and eccentric as all hell, to name a few — but their sound is really their own. Vocals clear and with a hint of longing, “Bret Easton Ellis Novel” is a prime example of not only this, but also of the greatness Netherfriends possesses. Read More »Netherfriends: Bret Easton Ellis Novel [Video]

Born Ruffians: What To Say [Video]


Born Ruffians could have easily lost their way and became some sort of Prince cover band at a Reno-based casino. Instead, they have taken the little known R&B influenced rock and roll idea and turn it into something insanely original and extremely entertaining. “What To Say” is that song you will want to hear over and over in your car that is headed somewhere you really don’t want to go. And the video will have you hitting replay on YouTube more times than when you saw Bush get a shoe thrown at his face. Read More »Born Ruffians: What To Say [Video]

Foals: Spanish Sahara [Video]


Little of that angular nature abundant on Foals‘ debut Antidote remains in their first single off the forthcoming sophomore release, Total Life Forever. In fact, “Spanish Sahara” begin so softly, virtually all traces of the elements that kept Antidote consistent and connected have vanished. You’ll find this common throughout Total Life Forever, which for the most part distances itself from that electric debut. There’s more melody here, more emotion, and a hell of a lot less hype. “Spanish Sahara” conjures memories of Radiohead post Kid A, but with a hint less experimentation. As the song nears two minutes, one finally gets a taste of the old Foals. Above all, “Spanish Sahara” displays the band’s growth over the past two years, and the video is a similar testament to the change. Read More »Foals: Spanish Sahara [Video]

Grand Lake: Spark [Video]


Grand Lake is the latest project from Port O’ Brien founding member Caleb Nichols, who joins forces with long-time friend Jameson Swanagon. Together, with drummer John Pomeroy, the San Francisco band is complete. The band is poised to release their debut LP, Blood Sea Dream, August 10 on Hippies Are Dead Records. That is where you can find “Spark”, their first single and the song featured in this somewhat trippy video. Featuring swirling dreamscapes of upbeat, hypnotic pop melodies backed by driving percussion, Grand Lake will creep into your head and take hold of your senses. In “Spark”, Grand Lake demands to be heard, and as the song climaxes attention will become singular – focused solely on the music. Read More »Grand Lake: Spark [Video]

The Harvey Girls: The Body Without Any Eyes [Video]


To be entirely frank, The Harvey Girls is pretty high on my list of bands I should have checked out a few years back. They sent me an album on a CD-R but it was misplaced at some time, likely during one of my many moves over the past four years. Finding a little note in my inbox has sparked my memory and it has drawn me to their new video for “The Body Without Any Eyes”. The Harvey Girls create a unique blend of trippy folk, rock and pop. Their song “The Body Without Any Eyes” and subsequent video for it are cowboy and country inspired. And both, too, are borderline eerie but oh so good! Read More »The Harvey Girls: The Body Without Any Eyes [Video]

Casiokids: Finn Bikkjen! [Video]


Casiokids‘ “Finn Bikkjen!” is a video about a man and his dog. On his dreamscape journey attempting to catch his best friend, he comes across strange dancers. From there, things get a little weird. The video goes well with the Casiokids style of psychedelic electro pop. “Finn Bikkjen!” lives up to the band’s recent hype, collecting hip beats and fronting it with their Norwegian tongue. The result is a fun tune, a fun video, and an exciting new band. Read More »Casiokids: Finn Bikkjen! [Video]

Sambassadeur: I Can Try [Video]


This is the new Sambassadeur video, filmed by label mate Philip Ekström of The Mary Onettes and staring Ekström’s eight-year-old nephew Mattis. “I Can Try” is your standard Sambassadeur tune; the band consistently produces great Swedish pop music in the vein of their prior work, each new single slightly better than the last. And each new single is unbearably catchy, yet contains a hint of sadness. The video is an interesting one, reminiscent of a lonely childhood filled with unique realities and a world view much too mature for a young boy. As Mattis sends his wooden boat into the water, and as he swings his sword, fighting invisible battles to save made up princesses, it makes me feel a bit nostalgic. Read More »Sambassadeur: I Can Try [Video]

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